As sports fans nationwide prepare for all the action, have you ever wondered why people care so much about their favorite ...
The Super Bowl is one of the world's most significant single-day sporting events. It attracts over 100 million U.S. viewers and [tens of millions of international viewers], making it an entertainment ...
As a sports scientist, neuropsychology professor ... When the stakes are at their highest, what can psychology reveal about who is mentally prepared to win the Super Bowl? Professional athletes ...
What are your Eagles superstitions? We know a guy who likes to wear the same pair of "lucky" socks for these important games.
As a sports scientist, neuropsychology professor ... According to University of California, Berkeley psychology professor Dacher Keltner, these authentic "awe" moments are shortcuts to happiness.
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) For me, the Super Bowl is a real-life laboratory. As a sports scientist ...