Channel 4 will appoint an online independent complaints reviewer (‘the Reviewer’) whose role will be, in accordance with these Terms of Reference, to review decisions made by Channel 4 in ...
Normally the Chair will be a DI or a senior member of the University management. The Chair may serve successive terms of office with the approval of the HTWG. The Chair will support the LH and the ...
These terms of reference for the independent, full-time ombudsman of the newspaper should be of interest to our 3.75 million-plus readers, and to all streams of the Indian news media. The Hindu ...
Draft terms of reference for a bespoke review of the Jonathan Creswell case have now been prepared by the Department for Justice.
to adjudicate the matter of water allocation between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh based on the new terms of reference (TOR) provided under Section 3 of the Interstate River Water Disputes Act ...