In 1999 the first installment of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater was released, catapulting this underground champion to worldwide fame while introducing countless people to a new sport and way of life.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater series had a successful streak on PlayStation 2 with great games. Spin-off titles like Downhill Jam offered different gameplay but lacked smooth controls. Modern gaming ...
But it all started with an unbounded strcpy in Tony Hawk Pro Skater (THPS). Xbox, PlayStation 2, and Gamecube (often referred to as the sixth generation) are wonderful hacking targets as they don ...
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater, his podcast titled Hawk vs. Wolf, or his appearances at big skateboarding events. Hawk will be a part of the skateboarding event at the 2024 Olympics doing interviews ...
The soundtrack to Pretending I'm Superman, the soundtrack to a documentary about Tony Hawk Proskater is getting the vinyl treatment. The record is out via Enjoy the Ride records this friday. Bands on ...
A trio of Activision remasters are allegedly coming to Xbox Game Pass soon. Of them, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 is the highlight, with the game hitting a well-deserved score of 90 on Metacritic.