Animal behavior research is particularly relevant to the study of human behavior when it comes to the preservation of a species, or how an animal’s behavior helps it survive. The behavior of ...
At Bucknell, you’ll get up close and personal with the creatures you study, empowering you to make the next great breakthrough. In our animal behavior major, which combines biology and psychology, you ...
Here, I provide a primer about the types of communication signals used by animals and the variety of functions they serve. Animals use a variety of sensory channels, or signal modalities ...
Social behavior consists of a set of interactions among individuals of the same species. A wide range of sociality occurs among animals. Some animals rarely if ever interact with one another ...
But to many scientists who study animal behavior, anthropomorphism is a cardinal ... scientists are now trying to guard against these types of errors—following intuitions about animals ...
While Pavlov did use auditory stimuli in his experiments, including a buzzer, electric shocks were also in his repertoire. Yet these grim details are relatively unknown, even to experts in animal ...
Miami University's Center for Animal Behavior (CAB) provides opportunities to study animal behavior at many levels. Whether you investigate individuals within a population or study behavior at the ...