Cactus plants are a group of spiny succulents from the Cactaceae family, which contains approximately 1,750 species. The vast majority of cactus plants are native to parts of the Americas.
The vibrant top is referred to as a scion, and the base of the plant is the rootstock. Although there are several types of grafted cacti, the moon cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii) is one of the ...
For less prickly types, choose cacti such as holiday cacti, which don't have sharp spines. One more comment: Some plants that are called "cactus" belong to a different or related group of plants ...
In the vast and varied landscapes of Australia, where the natural beauty is as renowned as the wildlife, a silent invader is causing chaos and concern among property owners and farmers alike. This isn ...
like most plants, gets its nutrition through photosynthesis. THREATS: Threats to the species included habitat destruction and poaching, but its most serious current threat is sea-level rise. Other ...
it is sparsely distributed and averages less than one plant every four acres. BREEDING: The flowers of the Pima pineapple cactus appear in early July with the summer monsoon rains. Flowering continues ...