Design and engage in urban investigations that merge traditional fields such as urban studies, urban history, and urban theory through a design and spatial approach. Combine urban studies with the ...
This course is available as an outside option to students on other programmes where regulations permit. This course is a comprehensive introduction to urban social theory. The class will focus on ...
Urban geographer Stephanie Wakefield’s “Miami in the Anthropocene” calls for a new critical urban theory for our time.
Economic activity is highly unevenly distributed within cities, as reflected in the concentration of economic functions in specific locations, such as finance in the Square Mile in London. The extent ...
Other core courses in the MSc are focused on city-making, urban design, urban policy, and critical urban theory. The degree includes interdisciplinary optional courses, master classes with outside ...
Urban Theory are a hard hitting four piece indie-punk guitar band from Bury, Greater Manchester. Their music takes on a wide and varied range of influences and captures a raw, gritty live energy ...
Urban Theory, an award-winning Italian dance crew that was created by choreographer Jessica Demaria in 2016, specializes in tutting, a creative hip hop style where dancers form geometric angles ...