Comparative literature is theoretically and methodically grounded literary research. Comparative literature focuses on the philosophical principles, theories and methods of literature, as well as on ...
The Comparative Literature and Culture Program engages the study of literatures and cultures within and across national boundaries. It comprises the comparative analysis of literary and cultural texts ...
The Program in World Literatures (formerly comparative literature) enables students to learn languages and engage with at least two literary and cultural traditions studied in their original languages ...
Comparative literature is inherently multicultural and dynamic; the comparative approach embraces world literature and culture in all periods of history. The comparative literature and culture major ...
Comparative Literature Studies, Vol. 57, No. 3, SPECIAL ISSUE: The Eighth Sino-American Symposium in Comparative and World Literature (2020), pp. 464-474 (11 pages ...
This lecture situates world literature studies within the most recent global paradigms in various fields of the humanities, in particular the emerging movement of "comparative studies of the premodern ...
This panel is the first step toward a volume in Bloomsbury’s Literature as World Literature series, edited by Tristan Leperlier (CNRS) and Mohamed-Salah Omri (Oxford). It will explore “Maghreb ...
comparative literature; classics; film studies; women, sexuality, and gender studies; modern languages; religious studies, and translation studies. With a long, intricate history, the dissemination ...