If necessary, loosen the sauce with a little reserved pasta water. To serve, spoon the pasta into pasta bowls, sprinkle over the parsley and the un-shelled mussels.
Be sure to discard any that don't open. Sprinkle in the remaining parsley, then spoon the mussels into a serving bowl. Pour over the cooking liquid and serve with some crusty bread.
4 Add the tomatoes to the mussels in the pan and cook for 4-5 minutes until the sauce thickens. 5 In a large saucepan of salted boiling water, cook the pasta according to packet instructions until ...
Serve between two bowls. While you wash and scrub the mussels, check them all well, discarding any already open ones. Place the garlic with a little butter and oil in a deep pan or casserole dish ...
On each slice, place 2-3 mussels, a piparra and a lemon slice. Finish with a squeeze of lemon juice, drizzle of mussel oil from the can and black pepper.
4. Mix the mussels with salt, pepper, lemongrass and spring onions and set aside for 30 minutes. 5. Heat a wok, add oil and when oil is hot add the chillies and stir fry on medium heat for a further ...
Taste for seasoning (some pounded fresh red chilli always helps) and serve chilled with croutons. To make mussel fritters with 1½ cups of drained mussels, roughly chopped. Mix with 2 eggs ...