In the world of nuclear energy, the fast-breeder reactor is considered the power source of the future. Not only do breeders have longer lasting fuel elements than standard, water-moderated ...
Governments and private institutions across the globe are working on increasing the adoption ... Its Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) is expected to be operational by the end of 2025.
Hill Air Force Base has partnered with Radiant Nuclear to study small nuclear reactors as backup generators. The company could deliver a product as soon as 2028.
Jimmy Carter formed the Department of Energy, opposed a major Oak Ridge nuclear project and responded to Three Mile Island.
Experimental Breeder Reactor II (EBR II), prototype to the ... and its IFR pyroprocessing), South Korea’s KAERI is actively working on closing South Korea’s fuel cycle. The goal is to separate ...
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The $800 million grant is part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Generation III+ Small Modular Reactor Program and will go ...
MHI has experienced setbacks in developing a fast reactor. The “Monju” prototype fast-breeder reactor, the preliminary stage of a demonstration reactor, encountered a spate of problems ...
“Breeder reactors were a mistake from the start ... he emphasized his connection to the area as a former Navy lieutenant working on the first nuclear submarines, a technology born at ORNL.