The Intel 8088 Micro-processor ran at 5MHz ... in the 8088 versus the 8086 was the use of a full 16-bit internal architecture but mated with an 8-bit data bus. Without the 8088 we wouldn't ...
The Intel 8088 (and its big brother 8086) processor was among the first microprocessors to implement (instruction) prefetching in hardware, which [Ken Shirriff] has analyzed based on die images ...
Back in the last century, Intel saw itself faced with a need to have ‘second source’ suppliers of its 8088 and 8086 processors ... an integral part of the x86 architecture.
The original PC launched by IBM in 1981 used Intel's 16-bit 8088 CPU. This chip family was designed so that the installed base of CP/M applications could be easily ported to the new architecture.