The driving force behind the design of integrated circuits is miniaturization, and process technology boils down to the never-ending goal of "make it smaller." As transistors get smaller ...
Virtually every business leader has used the popular People Process Technology framework to help manage change in their organization. Its roots date back to the early 1960s when business ...
The material is stable enough that it can keep carbon underground for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Scientists ...
“So, we need to increase efficiency on the process development side. While automation is one way of doing that, a much more efficient solution is to use in silico process development data to increase ...
The integration of technology into financial processes is not merely an operational enhancement; it’s a strategic necessity.
The right process technology is crucial to the perfect texture and colour of the sweet coatings, and Ploughshare® Mixers can be relied on for the best results. Ploughshare® Mixers operate based ...
In addition to new circuit innovations, a major driver for these improvements has been the advancement of fabrication process or technology nodes that essentially make electronic devices smaller and ...
The Process Chemistry and Technology Group (PCTG) is one of the RSC's many Interest Groups. The Interest Groups are member driven groups which exist to benefit RSC members, and the wider chemical ...
The development of high-temperature storage systems and heat exchangers to increase energy efficiency in power plant and process technology applications Liquid salt storage systems for thermal energy ...
We use the single technology appraisal process for new technologies - usually new pharmaceutical products or licence extensions for existing products. We also use it for reviews of some published ...
The overall process of Technology Commercialization includes an Assessment Phase and an Implementation Phase as generally described in the flow chart below. Specific activities and milestones within ...