This study identified key structural components of the sodium ion pathways in the stator of the bacterial flagellar motor. It also uncovered some of the structural changes that the stator undergoes as ...
This video presents a study in which, using cryo-electron microscopy, researchers determined the structure and mechanisms of a key component in the flagellar motor, which bacteria use to turn their ...
Close-up view of the custom-built apparatus to allow for precise control over jump height and frequency. The study corresponded to roughly five human years and mirrors a progressive overload approach ...
Researchers have developed a reactor that pulls carbon dioxide directly from the air and converts it into sustainable fuel, using sunlight as the power source.
What’s the only native insect of Antarctica have to do to survive? An Osaka Metropolitan University-led international ...
New study by Chiba University, Japan in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, uncovers novel enhancer-promoter interactions that regulate gene expression during neuronal differentiation ...
Gut bacteria are to blame for the failure of immune checkpoint therapy for ovarian cancer, new UVA Cancer Center research ...
Mount SInai researchers identified the cortical amygdala – an olfactory cortical structure – as a key brain region in ...
Global warming is producing a rapid loss of plant species – according to estimates, roughly 600 plant species have died out ...
For the first time, scientists have demonstrated that negative refraction can be achieved using atomic arrays - without the ...
Despite many societal changes,  including technology such as dating apps and young adults waiting longer to get married, two ...
Getting at least 30 minutes of daily summer sun in the first year of life may mean a lower relapse risk for children who are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) later, according to a study ...