The six standard components of the FWI System provide numerical ratings of relative wildland fire potential. The first three components are fuel moisture codes that follow daily changes in the ...
Almost all Canadians (96%) believe all sexual activities should be consensual yet only 1 in 3 Canadians understand what it means to give consent. 1 in 5 Canadians between the ages of 18 to 34 believe ...
The taxes payable under these eight tax Acts are administered under Part I of The Tax Administration and Miscellaneous Taxes Act. TAXcess - an online service you can use to file, pay and view your ...
Creating the Manitoba Métis Policy is based on the findings of the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry (AJI) and the recommendation of the Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission (AJIC) that, "The ...
This index was created by the Archives of Manitoba to facilitate access to estate files and associated probate records for deceased individuals whose estates were probated in a Manitoba court. The ...
Birthday party, field trip, sport tournament, club wrap up, visits with friends and family, music recital, after-school club …. sound familiar? Children are busy ...
Asbestos presents a potential lung disease hazard when released into the air. Persons exposed to asbestos at work have developed several types of life-threatening diseases, including asbestosis, lung ...
An Aquatic Invasive Species Control Zone is a watershed area where aquatic invasive species (AIS) already occurs or where it is expected to spread to in the future due to natural water movements.
The application intake for the Canada-Manitoba Job Grant is now closed and we are no longer accepting applications. Applications submitted before the intake closed will be reviewed over the upcoming ...
Manitoba Justice serves Manitobans by helping to provide a safe, just and peaceful society. The justice system supports equality, fairness, individual responsibility and respect. Effective programs ...
Hydrogen is often characterized as the "ultimate fuel of the future," being both clean and available without the need for energy imports. Hydrogen is important to Manitoba as a future opportunity.