Yet, you don’t quite know what can be done about it or even if you can do anything about it. And even if you can do something about it, your life is already hectic with work, family, and the tasks of ...
Question: I have seen numerous times where a bicyclist will not stop at a stop sign, if they are sharing the road with automobiles. I have seen a couple of close incidents where the bicyclist is ...
Thumbs up to Sue Hassinger and her article congratulating County Board members Greg Olson, Chris Meyer, and Dwayne Voegeli on voting to draft a permanent ban on puppy mill breeding. As a Wisconsin ...
In a 4-1 vote last week, the Winona County Board reaffirmed its willingness to work with the city of Winona to design a new, joint police station. However, while the county wants to keep exploring ...
The Gale-Ettrick-Trempealeau (G-E-T) School District is planning to expand its half-day, 4K early childhood programming to a full day, five days a week. The goal is to help students get a jump start ...
WAPS finished installing the geothermal HVAC systems at Jefferson and Washington-Kosciusko (W-K) elementary schools, bringing air conditioning to those buildings for the first time. Previously, the ...
Board recently approved staff training centered on fostering equitable learning experiences for students, with one School Board member objecting. The training supports the district’s strategic plan ...