Egypt’s Coptic Christians Deserve Our Attention — and Our Help Lillie Bliss, MoMA’s Unheralded Founder, Gets a Close Look Philadelphia’s Archbishop Charles J. Chaput on moving forward ...
A new "pastoral framework for marriage and family life" should be ready for a vote by the U.S. bishops by next November at the latest, according to Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia.
In 2003, Charles Chaput gave a lecture on the life of St ... I do remember that after an hour of talking, the archbishop gamely agreed to take a few minutes of questions. He was deluged.
In the weeks following publication of his pastoral letter, Archbishop Chaput answered some common questions about family planning and related issues in his regular Denver Catholic Register column.
May 5 - Violence in movies and on television "goes straight to the hearts of our children,'' Denver Catholic Archbishop Charles Chaput told a U.S. Senate committee Tuesday. And the violence "bears ...
Yesterday, Joe Carter cited an interesting passage from a recent address by the Catholic Archbishop of Denver, Charles Chaput: Two of the biggest lies in the world today are these: first ...