Raki is the most popular alcoholic drink in Turkey and we can’t believe we haven’t tried it yet! So, today’s Turkish food tour is a little different, since we’ll be tasting Raki for the ...
By comparison, buying a litre bottle of raki, Turkey's aniseed-flavoured national liquor, from a supermarket costs around 1,300 lira ($37.20) in a country where the minimum wage recently rose to $600.
Turkey's anise-flavored national liquor, Raki, is most commonly counterfeited. The price has leapt to around 1,300 lira ($37.20) per liter in supermarkets. On Jan. 1, Turkey increased the country ...
The traditional Turkish drink raki costs far more than moonshine - Copyright Parco Archeologico di Pompei press office/AFP Handout The traditional Turkish drink raki ...
By comparison, buying a liter bottle of raki, Turkey's aniseed-flavored national liquor, from a supermarket costs around 1,300 lira ($37.20) in a country where the minimum wage recently rose to $600.
By comparison, buying a liter bottle of raki, Turkey’s aniseed-flavored national liquor, from a supermarket costs about 1,300 lira in a country where the minimum wage recently rose to US$600. Such ...
Turkey's anise-flavored national liquor, Raki, is most commonly counterfeited. The price has leapt to around 1,300 lira ($37.20) per liter in supermarkets. On Jan. 1, Turkey increased the country ...