The number of facings is the number of items that are fitted horizontally along the front of the shelf. If a product is out of stock at the time of the audit, gaps on shelf are counted where it is ...
Our online levy returns portal allows you to submit your statutory levy returns online rather than using a paper-based method. The benefits of this include being able to instantly submit your returns ...
The InCalf guide for GB farmers calving AYR pulls together the accepted knowledge on dairy herd fertility management, drawing on AHDB’s extensive amounts of research and resources, as well as industry ...
Body condition scoring (BCS) was developed around 20 years ago and is widely accepted as a practical means of assessing the impact of negative energy balance in early lactation. This system ...
Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) or pneumonia is the most common reason for death and poor performance in young cattle and costs the UK cattle industry an estimated £50 million a year. This booklet ...
Grass is an important crop and grazed grass is the cheapest feed on farm, yet it rarely earns the respect it deserves as a potentially high-quality, natural ruminant feed. This manual will help ...
The condition of soil on livestock farms directly influences the yield and quality of grass and forage crops, animal performance and profitability. This manual offers advice to improve management of ...
In the pages below, we outline the UKGT for different sector products, and compare these to the rates the EU apply within its common external tariff (CET). We have calculated the percentage increase ...
Our encyclopaedia details the major and minor pests and natural enemies commonly associated with cropping rotations. Use it help prevent, detect and control pest populations in field crops, as part of ...
What really drives consumers to buy particular products? We explore pre- and in-store influences across different meats, cuts and shopper missions; guiding retailer and producer strategies to improve ...
Example of 80% visual lean muscle/trimmings. 1. Trim/muscles to be prepared from fresh beef fore and hindquarters, excluding head meat and offal. Meat should be free of all bone, bone gristle, ...
Although soil type cannot be easily changed, knowing which soil type is present helps determine how to manage the soil to optimise its structure, water relations, and nutrient supply. Healthy, fertile ...