Federico Santopinto is Senior Research Fellow at the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS) in Paris. He is specialized on European integration in defence and foreign policy, ...
Here you will find the studies conducted by IRIS for various clients, as well as the reports produced within the framework of the programmes and observatories.
The Middle-East – Turkey and the Turkish-speaking world – The European policy in these regions – The relations between the EU and Turkey – The European policy in the Middle-East ...
Thierry Coville est chercheur à l’IRIS, spécialiste de l’Iran. Il est professeur à Novancia où il enseigne la macroéconomie, l’économie internationale et le risque-pays. Docteur en sciences ...
Barthélémy Courmont est directeur de recherche en charge du Programme Asie-Pacifique. Ses aires d’expertise couvrent les enjeux politiques et sécuritaires en Asie du Nord-est, la stratégie de ...