This draw-bridge is featured in the Pride (In The Name Of Love) (Version 1) video. It is the last bridge crossing the Liffey at the city’s border and connects Grand Canal Docks in the south with The ...
U2 recorded their first albums here. In particular, it is where 'Boy', 'October', the single 'A Celebration', and 'War' saw the light of day with producer Steve Lillywhite, as well as of course U2’s ...
The release comes in four formats - standard DVD, limited deluxe edition, limited super deluxe edition, and for the first time also as blu-ray. This review is based on the blu-ray version. Next to the ...
Um die Welt in 760 Tagen - U2 – Die 360° Tour, Ralph Larmann, Dylan Jones From The Ground Up - U2360° Tour Official Photobook, Ralph Larmann, Dylan Jones ...
For the current e+i Tour offers you special t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies and shopping bags: All profits will be (as in past years) 100% donated to Doctors Without Borders (via Musik Bewegt ...
Hier findest du im kurzen Überblick aktuelles rund um U2 was jedoch nicht den Weg in die News-Rubrik schaffte. Trotzdem wollten wir die folgende Berichte und Meldungen nicht vorenthalten: ...
In June 1960, 7 weeks after Bono's birth, his parents Bobby and Iris bought this house. He spent his entire childhood here. With age 13 we went to the Mount Temple Comprehensive School at Malahide ...
Bono's and Edge's present home. Killiney is a suburb of Dublin where the rich and famous live. When the weather is good it reminds one of Ireland’s south, partly due to its beautiful beach. A walk at ...
U2’s old local pub. Due to building works in the docks the Dockers Pub has unfortunately been closed since September 2004. Meanwhile the front cannot be seen anymore, actually we don't know if and ...
Dublinkarte Nr. 11 | From the south-west corner of Temple Bar square turn left und then immediately right into Cecilia St. House number 2 is at the very end of the street on the right.