Ask most horror fans about the genre’s best decade, and the overwhelming majority will likely agree that it’s the 1980s. With the VHS boom raising the demand for low-budget scary fare and the slasher ...
Some of the best horror movies of the 1980s flew completely ... luring viewers in with what looks like a haunted house story only to go full action-horror by the third act. Next of Kin has been ...
The psychological horror ... movie do arguably feel like completely separate entities), it is an undeniable masterpiece in haunted isolation horror and creeping paranoid madness. Horror in the ...
House on Haunted Hill plays out more like a fantastically engrossing mystery than a horror movie, the premise a precursor to films like House of 9 (2004). Sightings of a “ghost” turn out to be ...
American studios embraced another period of horror cinema in the 1980s, and Hollywood’s ghosts kept the haunted house alive in pop culture. As these spooky traditions persisted over time ...