The 1920s saw incredible transformation in typography and graphics more broadly. It was, in fact, the decade when the term ...
审核:胡必杰以下是一份为期 4 年(ST4 ~ ST7)的英国感染病(Infectious Diseases, ID)专科医师培训“示例”方案,基于 JRCPTB(Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board) 对 ID 培训大纲的要求,并结合某家优秀大学医院常见做法。在实际医院中,轮转 often 以3~4 个月为一个大块 (Block Ro ...
A prominent Facebook user claimed English is no longer the language of instruction in Kano state and other northern Nigerian ...
With an increased focus on divestment over the past year, Cherwell sat down with two student activists involved in this work, Diana Volpe and Lina Osman. They are the presidents of Divest Borders and ...