Anger management therapy can include a host of different therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy or psychodynamic therapy. Your therapist or psychologist will tailor any chosen therapy to ...
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Anger is the kind of feeling people try to tamp down, out of fear that it will ignite and explode. Pretending your anger doesn't exist causes it to compress itself, making a home in the small ...
Anger and irritability aren’t part of the criteria used to diagnose ADHD, but clinicians and researchers have identified them as common experiences among children and adults with the condition ...
Do anger issues get the best of you? Everyone experiences occasional bouts of frustration, anger, and even rage. The ability to recognize and control anger when it emerges is a key skill for ...
In general, older adults report less negative and, more often, positive emotions than younger adults. Older adults tend to use a wider variety of emotional regulation strategies (Puente-Martinez ...