Two barracks used to house German prisoners of war are still being stored on property owned by the City of Tempe.
This year, Tucson's 100 Acre Wood, near Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, is set to be rebuilt as an improved mountain bike complex. But first the unhoused residents ...
The drag icon's very adult "Don't Bring the Kids!" comedy show stops in the Valley this weekend. It was such a beautiful Wild ...
COUNTERPOINT: Let parents and teachers, not bureaucrats, make decisions about cellphones in ...Should kids have access to smartphones in school? Some argue the smartphone problem leads to distraction. Others say smartphones are necessary for reasons related to safety or other concerns.
"Nothing is going to be off limits," he said Tuesday, speaking for the first time to thousands of U.S. Health and Human ...
House Bill 2130 passed Tuesday in a unanimous vote of 60-0 in the Arizona House of Representatives. The legislation would obligate insurance companies to provide contact information to a patient if ...
Helmet-cam video from a Chandler police officer shows him and an off-duty firefighter pulling a woman from a burning truck on the U.S. 60 freeway in Mesa.
A man who has served as the U.S. Attorney for Arizona in recent years has been fired by the Trump Administration.