Batman faces his final confrontation with the twisted Wound Man in Batman: Dark Patterns #3, but can the Dark Knight end this ...
The dark and gritty atmosphere of Batman has seen many excellent horror stories released over the years, featuring the caped crusader.
When I first started writing comics reviews for this lovely website nearly a year ago, I sat down with a cup of Irish Breakfast tea and asked myself a crucial question: What makes a great ...
Many of those who laud today’s dark Batman blame the earlier saccharine version on the Adam West Sixties-era TV show. But the reality is that Batman had reflected this sunniness since 1940.
It's a song whose dark tone, minor key and massive sound ... I can't get this theme out of my head. Batman. Give me a superhero. Give me Batman plays football.' Greenberg's first thought was ...
but that changed today with the debut of The Dark Knight Returns figure, which is based on the iconic 1986 Batman miniseries from Frank Miller. In addition to highlighting one of the best comic ...