The battle for consumer attention is intensifying. Find out how new behavioral economics research has shifted our attention to attention.
Web-based behavioral experiments ... timing precision for stimulus presentation. This method is recommended for future studies to enhance the accuracy of response time measurements[4].
We observe their behavior and we mimic that behavior. In short, we do what they do. This theory is also known ... to reach his future goals with such a stimulus.
For illustration, consider the case where spike-trains are generated from M repetitions of a stimulus. Consider any one of the M spike-trains to be a reference trial. The reference trial is used to ...
And yet, this is how those generations will be known. Before them came the “Greatest Generation” comprised of people who ...
Extended Response Time Item Response Models with Polya-Gamma Sampler and Bayesian Quantile Regression.
(AP Photo/J. David Ake, File) Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] The IRS is distributing about $2.4 billion to taxpayers who didn’t receive their COVID stimulus ...
Texans who didn't receive a stimulus check from the Recovery Rebate Credit in 2021 could get a surprise deposit. The Internal Revenue Service has announced that it will begin issuing payments ...
Rasch modeling with all the bells and whistles. Implementations for Rasch model, partial credit model, rating scale model, and its linear extensions (upcoming). Classical and Bayesian estimation.