The co-founder and co-CEO of Daily Wire criticized Joy Reid for claiming that conservative host Ben Shapiro is funded by “oligarchs” — while the anti-Trump MSNBC host rakes in millions from ...
It doesn’t matter if the president is “serious” about leveling Gaza and removing its people. It shouldn’t be considered a ...
MSNBC host Joy Reid said on Wednesday that Daily Wire co-founder Ben Shapiro was “funded by oligarchs.” MSNBC Reid’s comments prompted a response from Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing.
BEN SHAPIRO (HOST): The basic idea here is that whiteness only exists in opposition to Blackness. So there's no such thing as a white identity, there's only a cohesive Black identity. Well ...
BEN SHAPIRO (HOST): This is why when people on the right use the phrase Christian nationalism, people on the left hear, ah, we're talking about religious fascism. Well, no, when people say ...