Kanye West has revealed it was his former wife Kim Kardashian who urged him to see a doctor after she suspected the rapper ...
This was highlighted by Dr Sermed Mezher in a recent reel posted on Instagram, “People with KLS experience recurring episodes where they sleep excessively, sometimes up to 20 hours a day, for weeks at ...
New research pinpoints 298 parts of the genome associated with higher risk of bipolar disorder. This could lead to better ...
A team of Montreal researchers has made a crucial breakthrough in the understanding of bipolar disorder, which could eventually lead to new therapies for those who suffer from it. “In our field, what ...
Science X is a network of high quality websites with most complete and comprehensive daily coverage of the full sweep of ...
Researchers have identified 36 genes linked to bipolar disorder. This is a key step towards understanding the genetic factors ...
These two disorders share many features, making proper diagnosis a challenge. Treatment providers must be aware that some ...
If you choose to participate in the study, you will be asked to complete four annual in-person study visits consisting of cognitive assessments, blood draw, and an MRI scan, as well as to complete a ...
Some psychiatric disorders have many overlapping symptoms, which can make it very challenging to diagnose a specific disease. | Clinical And Molecular Dx ...
New research suggests that mood swings in bipolar disorder are regulated by two clocks: the body’s 24-hour circadian rhythm ...
Although serious mental illness has a genetic component, developing these four protective factors can help you take control ...