An experiment shows that bonobos can understand when a human lacks knowledge and point them in the right direction ...
Some great apes realize when a human partner doesn’t know something and are capable of communicating information to them to ...
The bonobo, named Teco, who tended to point at the food a lot in all circumstances, also reminded us of another caution: ...
A first-of-its-kind study suggests bonobos, like humans, can understand someone else’s lack of knowledge—and adjust their ...
The study provides clear evidence that apes can intuit another's ignorance, a trait once thought uniquely human.
A cooperation experiment shows for the first time that animals, as well as people, are capable of communicating new ...
New research has revealed that bonobos and chimps can recognize when humans don’t know something, a skill once thought to be ...
Recognising that someone lacks information you possess is key for effective communication and cooperation, and bonobos seem ...
A recent experiment found that bonobos can understand when a human lacks knowledge and will often step in to help a human out. Host Marco Werman spoke with Chris Krupenye, an evolutionary cognitive ...
Working out how smart or intelligent your partner is, in any given task, is a tricky skill at the best of times. This type of ...
Previously thought to be an exclusively human skill, knowing when a friend could use a clue appears to be a talent we share with our primate cousins.
The research team conducted an experiment to observe the behavior of bonobos, which varies according to human knowledge. In an experiment involving three bonobos, one researcher first hid a snack ...