Are you ready for suspended animation of human beings? Because scientists experimenting on mice have successfully been able ...
To understand how the brain learns and retains information, scientists try to quantify how much stronger a synapse has gotten through learning, and how much stronger it can get. Synaptic strength ...
To understand how these brain cells exchange information through their synapses (junctions to exchange chemical 'messages'), the team of Prof. Joris de Wit (VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain and ...
For a snapshot of how neuroscience research is entering popular culture, visit the web commerce site. Currently, Amazon's top-selling classical CD is Music for the Mozart Effect Vol 1 ...
Building a brain with digital devices is seemingly impossible. - Image used only for illustrative purpose A team of US researchers has developed an "artificial synapse" that does not process ...
These are present in human cell linings and in the neurons in brain. Scientists have only recently begun to understand the importance of these channels. Creating these structures artificially could be ...