What do the Chechens want? Unlike Osama bin Laden and al Qaida, the Chechens are not fighting to establish a world Islamic state. They’re fighting for a state, period. Chechens are Muslims, but ...
They claim that nine new Russian paramilitary units have been established since the start of the war through Kadyrov. The Chechen army has even been seen testing out new war weapons in Ukraine ...
December 30, 2024: Firepower is a multifunction tool in combat. For example, during the 1999 Chechnya War in the Caucasus Russian troops used firepower intensive tactics to take Chechen capital of ...
Incredible footage shows the passenger, identified as Subkhon Rakhimov, walking around the crash site, filming the wreckage and praising the flight attendant for keeping him alive.
During their conversation they discussed why some of the best and scary UFC fighters come from regions like Chechnya and Dagestan. Rogan believes some of the scariest UFC fighters come from war ...
One Soldier’s War in Chechnya, translated beautifully by Nick Allen, is Babchenko’s autobiographical account of how, as a young law student, he was conscripted for the first war between Russia and ...
As with his earlier war against Chechnya, Putin’s obduracy turned an opening military fiasco into a brutal war of attrition which Russia’s resources could win at a huge price. But Putin’s ...