Here, the authors develop a tumor microenvironment-activated ribonuclease targeting chimera (RiboTAC) demonstrating H 2 O 2 and acid activated degradation of pre-miR-21, which was effective in ...
The essential operational component of this definition is the observation that vulnerability to seizure activity in any one part of the network is influenced by activity everywhere else in the network ...
The hormones amylin and calcitonin interact with receptors within the same family to exert their effects on the human organism. Calcitonin, derived from thyroid C cells, is known for its inhibitory ...
Chemical tools are small molecules used as probes of a chemical or biological process. Studying the effects of chemical tools on a system can lead to new insight into the molecular target of the ...
Supersonic Rebirth Since the beginning of air travel, the industry has always looked at ways to move more people quicker and/or cheaper. When supersonic flight was invented shortly after World War II, ...
5 KU Leuven—University of Leuven, Translational Research in Gastrointestinal Diseases (TARGID), Laboratory of Digestion and Absorption, Leuven, Belgium Correspondence to Professor Jeroen Raes, ...