由于气候变化的影响,格陵兰冰原正在加速裂开,裂缝越来越大、越来越深。一项使用高分辨率三维绘图的新研究显示,冰原边缘快速移动的裂缝在短短五年内显著扩大。 这种快速的冰层破坏可能导致更快的冰层流失,推动冰川向海洋移动,加剧海平面上升。
The sheet is the second largest body of ice in the world with the news a worrying updated in the battle against global ...
A new large-scale study of crevasses on the Greenland Ice Sheet shows that those cracks are widening faster as the climate ...
We found that from 2016 to 2021, there were significant increases in crevasse volume across fast-flowing sectors of the ...
The world's second biggest body of ice - the Greenland Ice Sheet - is cracking open quicker than scientists had previously thought. That's according to new research by a team of scientists, led by Dr ...
Crevasses can reach over 300 feet in width, thousands of feet in length, and hundreds of feet in depth. Research led by glaciologist Thomas Chudley from ...
The Greenland Ice Sheet is cracking open more rapidly as it responds to climate change. Dr Tom Chudley, in our Department of ...
The Greenland Ice Sheet is cracking open at an accelerating pace, with crevasses growing larger and deeper due to the effects of climate change. A new study using high-resolution 3D mapping has reveal ...
With a pencil, draw a large Chudley Cannon's Crest on your shirt. (An image of this is available on The Harry Potter Lexicon.) Fill in the pencil with puff fabric paint and let dry completely.