I understand the desire to make places look more festive. Still, I’m not sure why people are paying good money for corn stalks, bales of hay, and, in some cases, colored leaves. All my life, fileds of ...
Good nutrition important to keeping cows ready to be rebred at a later time, Nebraska Extension educator Ben Beckman writes.
The person who originated the adage, “It beats a snowbank” may have been thinking about feeding corn stalk bales. However, like most forages there can be quite a bit of variability in nutritional ...
Leaving taller corn stalks also will reduce erosion and trap snow moisture. In western Nebraska where the rotation of winter wheat-corn-pre-winter wheat fallow is used to produce two crops in three ...
Corn stalks are often thought of as low-quality roughage suitable only for cows. However, when cattle are given an opportunity to selectively graze stalks, the diet they select is surprisingly high ...
The amount of corn, leaves and husks will vary with growing and harvest conditions. Cattle will select the grain and best quality forage first when initially turned into a field. As cattle continue to ...
For the week ending Feb. 8, the Kansas hay demand and trades were lower according to the Kansas Department of ...
Corn stalks are cut and dried out in the field for 15 to 20 days before ears are picked off, manually unhusked, completely de-kerneled with passed down tools, and sorted by kernel size to be sold.
Powered by a tractor or steam engine, the corn equipment’s pulleys and belts moved the material through the equipment. The stalks and fodder would be sent into the hay mow where it could then be used ...
Corn takes on myriad configurations, from the classic corn on the cob to popcorn to more processed options including corn flour and corn syrup. How, then, do you classify such a versatile food?
2-Year U.S. Treasury Note Continuous Contract $102.676 0.012 0.01% 5-Year U.S. Treasury Note Continuous Contract $106.242-0.023-0.02% 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Continuous Contract $108.906-0.063 ...