Cell-cell interactions help drive tolerogenic or inflammatory responses to the maelstrom of antigens passing through the gut.
In this manuscript, Griesius et al analyze the dendritic integration properties of NDNF and OLM interneurons, and suggest that the supralinear NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic integration may be ...
Residents of Gwanda, the Matabeleland South capital, have expressed concern over the town's drainage system, which has been overwhelmed by recent heavy rains, leading to flooded streets and homes.
This article proposes Dendritic Net (DN) driven quadratic DAVC ... Test results based on modified IEEE 30-bus and 118-bus systems prove the correctness and rapidity of the proposed method.
High-resolution SEM imaging of the flower-like structure highlights densely packed, edge-on lamellae with lobed rims, forming a dome-shaped surface, while the zigzag spherulites exhibit dendritic, ...