Each of these behaviors has been found to be impaired in ASD, suggesting that multiple distinct circuits of the cerebellum may be involved in the pathogenesis of patients' sensorimotor impairments. We ...
The specific contribution of the cerebellum to typical development may therefore involve the optimization of the structure and function of cerebro-cerebellar circuits underlying skill acquisition in ...
This study uses a variety of approaches to explore the role of cerebellum, and in particular Purkinje cells (PCs), in the development of postural control in larval zebrafish. A chemogenetic approach ...
Moreover, by comparing the contributions of Purkinje cell ablations to posture in time, we uncover signatures of emerging cerebellar control of posture across early development. This work takes a ...
Joubert Syndrome is a rare, autosomal recessive disorder that affects the cerebellum and brain stem. It presents with a distinct respiratory pattern and profound tachypnea in the newborn period.
Toward the bottom of the brain are more primitive structures, including the cerebellum and brain stem. These also fulfill critical functions. Running through parts of the brain are a dozen pairs ...
The research linked structural brain differences, mental health challenges, and genetic predispositions to the development of disordered eating behaviors from adolescence to adulthood. MRI data showed ...