With just under two weeks to go, Brussels' rehearsal rooms are buzzing with an electric atmosphere. The English Comedy Club is busily adding the final touches to its annual pantomime and its 44-strong ...
The panto season is still in full swing for the cast and crew of Cinderella who have partnered with a Dorset nursing home to keep the cost of tickets down for local families. Many of the big ...
For 43 years crowds of just 60 people have enjoyed Britain's smallest pantomime production. Broadstone Pantomime Productions partner with a local nursing home to keep the company going.
Enter, stage right, the pantomime villain, soon to land on English, French, Irish and Italian soil to shake the foundations of rugby punditry. Except this is no fictional realm, no pantomime: this is ...
The Neverlanders and the Lost Boys try to wake up Peter Pan in Arklow Pantomime Creations' Peter Pan panto at St Mary's Hall, Arklow. Photo: Michael Kelly Lauren Gammell in Arklow Pantomime ...
As the curtain fell on yesterday's closing performance of the annual West End spectacle of the Palladium Pantomime, this year's production Robin Hood has become the most successful of them all ...
Producer Michael Harrison for Crossroads Pantomimes announced today that Robin Hood broke its own records and that the annual Palladium pantomime will return for a tenth anniversary year. The ...