From the battle cries of freedom fighters to the beats that stir the soul, art and politics have always had a close, sometimes combustible, relationship .
From the battle cries of freedom fighters to the beats that stir the soul, art and politics have always had a close, sometimes combustible, relationship.
FROM the battle cries of freedom fighters to the beats that stir the soul, art and politics have always had a close, sometimes combustible, relationship.
A visit to Accra offers a rich mix of small-town bungalow communities and sleek new high-rises, of exuberant dancing outdoors ...
Ghanaian artist Amoako Boafo is renowned for his innovative approach to the shaping of Black figuration, capturing the expression, style and character ...
Five cutting-edge contemporary international art stars, including Ron Mueck, Thomas J Price and Campbell Addy are making ...
Grout was an award-winning photojournalist, fine art photographer, and author who worked since 1966 in the Americas, Asia and ...