Tourists in Czechia’s capital regularly come face to face with nutria, large semiaquatic rodents native to South America that ...
A man with a month of no bin collections says he's forced to take on rats - armed with rubber gloves ... "I have lived all over Europe and I have never seen rubbish left like this before." ...
The streets of East Yorkshire are set to be filled with 50 giant rat sculptures as part of a new art trail. A Mischief of Rats will run from 3 May and is set to pay tribute to 1960's band The Rats ...
There’s a saying that in a big city you are never more than six feet away from a rat. It’s an urban myth, but scientists are warning cities across the globe are becoming far rattier ...
No, this foreign invader is a snail. But what a snail it is. The giant African land snail "can grow as big as a rat and gnaw through stucco and plaster," says Reuters' Barbara Liston. Since the ...
Giant Power Cables in Europe a Growing Source of Tension A dispute over exports caused Norway’s government to implode Sweden, Germany, France and UK are also in the cross hairs ...
“She is an African giant pouched rat.” Mirasol and Maria (who sat out this story) are two African giant pouched rats (Cricetomys gambianus) at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore. Mirasol’s 1.7 ...