In some challenges, the GPT-4-based model triumphed. In others, it failed. How do you know when to count on it?
AI-powered coding just got more accessible with GitHub Copilot's free plan. Here's how to set it up in VS Code, step-by-step, ...
Read Now If you're a developer in search of a DevOps job, you'll need to address these Git and GitHub interview questions and answers. And don't forget about distributed version control systems either ...
GitHub has announced a slew of updates for Copilot, while also giving a glimpse into a more agentic future for its AI-powered ...
Whereas organisations once cobbled together CI/CD pipelines using disparate tools, they now have a plethora of platforms they ...
GitHub作为全球最大的开源社区,是程序员找项目、学技术、搞协作的“宝藏基地”。但国内访问GitHub就像挤早高峰地铁——慢到怀疑人生!加载个代码库转圈半小时,git clone卡成表情包,想学个新技术却被网络劝退…… 别慌!今天推荐的FastGithub,专治各种“GitHub访问困难症”,一键解锁丝滑体验,让你告别转圈圈,效率翻倍! FastGithub 可是个好东西,它就是专门为了提升 G ...