Mobile Suit Gundam 00 wants to cover too many topics and isn’t as smart as it thinks it is. However, the show is brave enough to touch on taboo subject matters like the conflict in the Middle ...
在万代的狂热粉丝中,等待已久的新品终于来袭!2025年2月,万代正式发布了他们的最新作品——MG 1/100《机动战士高达》老虎Ver.2.0彩透版。在即将举行的“Gundam Next Future-Final”大型活动中,这款模型将成为东京会场的限量商品,价值4620日元(含税)。这一发布不仅以其创新设计赢得蓬勃关注,更引发了万代高达爱好者的无限期待。
and building Gundam model kits. Geneviève Bujold could, literally, never. Over 40 years after they were introduced, Skeleton Crew gave us B-Wings actually shooting in live-action... but there's a ...