However, Grand Theft Hamlet explores this unique combination of past and present while revealing new and unexpected narrative layers at every turn. The animated documentary follows two actors ...
Pete Volk (he/they) is Polygon’s Curation Editor, with a particular love for action and martial arts movies. Grand Theft Hamlet tells the story of the duo’s one-of-a-kind production, showing ...
“To be or not to be, that is the question.” The Shakespeare quote, from Hamlet, was not a reference to whether or not someone could pull off creating an entire theatrical performance within ...
To be an artist, or not to be? That is the question of “Grand Theft Hamlet,” a guns-blazingly funny documentary about two out-of-work British actors who spent a chunk of their COVID-19 ...
If you don’t like Shrek, it’s because you haven’t seen it.Though it’s technically an animated film for children, there is an argument to be made that it’s more suited for adults. The ...