Experts are warning that this trend could continue to rise without changes to the Highway Code, which currently has little guidance for mobility scooter users. Rule 36 states that when mobility ...
First printed in 1931, The Highway Code urged all road users to be careful and considerate towards others, with a strong emphasis on improving road safety. Its purpose remains the same today.
Major Highway Code changes have gained support as certain road users are "excluded" from a new rule update. One expert said there was an 'urgent need' for an update to the Highway Code after 16 ...
And as the wintry weather continues, drivers are being reminded of an important Highway Code rule. Failing to properly check your car before heading out could result in a hefty fine. Experts at ...
However, these EV owners might be oblivious to the fact that they could be violating the Highway Code, risking a parking ticket in the process. An update to Rule 239 of the Highway Code was ...
But what about the rest of us? The ones who passed years ago and don’t fall into any of these categories? How much of the Highway Code do we actually remember? For most of us, The Highway Code is just ...
The Highway Code is a set of rules and guidelines for all UK road users, and is aimed at keeping everyone safe while out and about. A number of changes to the Code have been implemented in recent ...
Stopping distances in the Highway Code should be increased “as a matter of urgency” as they underestimate drivers’ thinking time. So says Brake after research by the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL ...
Millions of motorists could be unwittingly flouting the Highway Code each day simply by parking on their drive, owing to a lesser-known rule about how to correctly park at home. Unbeknownst to ...
But drivers are being warned over a little-known Highway Code rule over the use of their horn, which could lead to them receiving a penalty charge notice (PCN). According to rule 112 of the ...
In January 2022, the Highway Code was revised significantly, and at that time, drivers were prompted to thoroughly remind themselves of the Code. Despite the heads-up, many continue to ...
As we mark the three-year anniversary of the Highway Code changes in England, Scotland and Wales, we urge the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) in Northern Ireland to update its code to prevent ...