曾经风光无限的中国零售巨头苏宁,如今深陷债务危机,旗下三家核心企业进入重整程序。尽管苏宁极力撇清“破产”传闻,并宣称已扭亏为盈,但这一事件却凸显了当前中国经济下行压力下,消费降级对零售行业带来的巨大冲击。从国美、苏宁到永辉超市,传统零售巨头接连遭遇困 ...
原文标题:《Binance Moved Fast, Broke Things-and Paid the Price.Richard Teng Is Cleaning Up》撰文:Joel ...
破产服务信托(Bankruptcy Service Trust)是一种在破产程序中用于管理和分配债务人资产的工具。它通常由破产法院或破产管理人设立,旨在保护债权人的利益,并确保破产程序的公平和透明。
Churchill understood the power of films, but the true extent of his use of cinema as a propaganda tool is rarely explored. When war broke out, this tool became of national importance.
A message from the ongoing annual session of the National People's Congress (NPC), or the parliament, tells saving energy and protecting environment is a big government agenda.