Livestock manure has seen a rebirth from a livestock waste product to a valued commodity for our modern-day crop systems. Livestock manure has been a valuable natural fertilizer for crop and food ...
South Texas cattle producer Bob McCan has discovered more about his rangeland and pasture conditions from analyzing manure ...
Effects of Swine Manure Applications on Soil Nutrient Levels and Phosphorus (AG-BU-08424) is a recently published bulletin that can be obtained from the University of Minnesota Extension that ...
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - How high is too high for a pile of chicken manure? Eight feet, apparently. Chicken waste is an excellent fertilizer, but with the growing season still weeks away it’s ...
Manure management is one of the biggest problems faced by feedlots. One soil scientist is helping a feedlot in Worland make ...
but the method of pulling the pile apart will allow for the material to lose heat and go out as it is spread on the field. Since Delaware farmers aren't allowed to spread manure or apply ...