Kendall also appeared to confirm that multiple experimental aircraft (X-planes) were involved in the NGAD development programme, adding to the 2020 disclosure of a single classified demonstrator ...
Last year, the United States Air Force pressed “pause” on its Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program, citing costs and future capabilities of the sixth-generation manned aircraft that ...
至于“NGAD是什么”,肯德尔表示,目前NGAD平台作为“F-22替代方案”可以采取几种形式,包括“类似于F-35”的一种多用途飞机,这种飞机将更便宜,主要任务是和美军开发较为顺利的无人僚机“协同作战无人机”(CCA)配合夺取制空权。而NGAD的重点是“六代簇 ...
随后话锋一转,便不再继续谈论中国六代机,而是转到美国NGAD项目上。 在CSIS的讲话中,肯德尔倒是没有谈及中国六代机,反而大谈特谈“能彻底取代F-22和F-35的NGAD有人机方案”要花多少钱。可以说,肯德尔的一系列讲话虽然句句不提成飞的“大三角”,但也 ...
So, too, can artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities that the Air Force wants to place in their proposed Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) fighter. Alas, it seems that the news out of Beijing ...
而在大洋彼岸的美国,被认为曾率先提出研发第六代战斗机的美国空军,却似乎在NGAD项目中出现了几分迷茫和犹豫的态度。尤其是从即将卸任的美国空军部长肯德尔的表态中,我们不难感受到其对NGAD战斗机定位的模糊。而这种模糊不定,恐在未来让这款美制六 ...
The two new prototypes China just flew are sure to cause a stir in Washington and time will tell what that means for NGAD. China's first 6th gen fighter appears to have taken to the skies for the ...
The XQ-67A is set to redefine what unmanned combat drones are capable of and deliver a new kind of weapon system to the USAF.
The demonstrator "jumped into one of our patrol vehicles and drove it a short distance before it was quickly recovered," the spokesperson said, adding that the suspect was unknown at that time.