What does love mean? That question was posed to a group of 4–8 year-old children and their answers may surprise you. Rebecca, age 8, said: “When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over ...
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son to come down from heaven to teach us how to live. The light was there to help guide those in search of him. The angels in the heavens ...
We have just come through a holiday season. Let’s not forget the true meaning of Christ’s Nativity. It is not about Santa, or candy canes, reindeer, or Christmas lights, or even for ...
begotten from the Father before the ... conceived without human seed by the power of the Holy Spirit only. Here lies the decisive meaning of expressions such as "conceived in the womb of the ...
This event from the Gospel of Saint Luke took place forty days after the birth of Christ Jesus which we know as Christmas Day. We can only find the true meaning of Christmas in the Infant that was ...
There are four dimensions of heart health — physical, emotional, social and spiritual — and true well-being requires us to ...
And, since the Father has through generation given to the only-begotten Son everything that ... but gave a new and unprecedented meaning to these terms, which from then on would be used to signify ...
Thou's welcome, wean; mishanter fa' me, If thoughts o' thee, or yet thy mamie, Shall ever daunton me or awe me, My bonie lady, Or if I blush when thou shalt ca' me Tyta or daddie. Tho' now they ca ...
How many of us truly understand the power and the massive weight of the Father’s love poured out in these words that we have become His children as we believed in His only Begotten Son? I remembered ...