Testing revealed that the child had perisylvian polymicrogyria (PMG), a congenital defect resulting in permanent disabilities, including severe speech and language difficulties, impairment in fine ...
This group provides teenagers with epilepsy a chance to meet others with similar issues, make new friends, and learn from the experience of others. This group meets via Zoom on 1st and 3rd Thursdays ...
Radial glia (RG) are the main progenitor cell type in the developing cortex. These cells are highly polarized, with a long basal process spanning the entire thickness of the cortex and acting as a ...
This virtual group is open to adults living with Epilepsy. It provides a place to share experiences, provide encouragement and offer support through the epilepsy journey. This group meets the 1st ...
Eleven (11/15, 73%) patients demonstrated focal epileptiform discharges on EEG. Four patients had abnormal brain MRI findings such as perisylvian polymicrogyria and cortical dysplasia. The enrolled ...
Additional features included central nervous system (CNS) involvement (lissencephaly (n=3), polymicrogyria (n=5)), neuropathy (n=2) and congenital myopathy (n=5). Recruitment into this project was via ...
Correspondence to Przemko Tylzanowski, Skeletal Biology and Engineering Research Centre, KU Leuven, Leuven, Flanders, Belgium; przemko{at}kuleuven.be Human genetic diseases can be classified as ...