Leaving their flower heads on over winter helps protect the stems and buds from frost. Climbing hydrangeas are the exception to this rule – they are pruned in summer, after flowering. Pruning prevents ...
Can you prune hydrangeas in February? If you've caught yourself wondering this, you're not alone; it's a question on many a gardener's mind right now – likely because it's deceptively mild (remember, ...
These perennial showstoppers need a good pruning now, more than ever, to ensure they come back with a riot of colour when the sunshine returns. Get in there before your hydrangeas wake fully from ...
Gardening experts on the Hydrangeas in the UK Facebook page advised against February pruning, suggesting it's too early for such garden jobs. Instead, they're all about deadheading right now ...
Hardier shrubs such as late blooming spireas and smooth (snowball) hydrangeas should be pruned to the first pair of buds above the ground. After the initial pruning at planting, hedges need to be ...
If your hydrangea is dying...we're here to say, it's not your fault. Big, blowsy and beautiful, hydrangeas have traditionally been the go-to plant for a shady spot in our summer gardens. Now, there ...
Hydrangeas are an essential plant to most gardens given their gorgeous display in summer. These shrubs practically explode with beautiful flowers throughout the warmer months, so it can be ...
Pruning Buddleja davidii is essential if you want to keep it looking its best. If you don't prune your buddleia it can become tatty and overgrown, developing a twiggy tangle of bare stems, with the ...
One key task gardeners need to do this month is pruning for stunning roses later in the year. Leigh Barnes, a garden expert from Jacksons Fencing, has shared his gardening advice for February ...