Since several metabolic pathways are closely tied to T cell and macrophage differentiation ... In fact, already today, different therapeutic approaches such as rapamycin, calcineurin inhibitors, or ...
Unlike other cells, activated lymphocytes expand their pyrimidine pool by approximately eightfold during proliferation; purine pools are increased only twofold. To meet this demand, lymphocytes must ...
The hallmarks of cancer include dysregulated metabolism and immune evasion. As a basic way of metabolism, lipid metabolism is reprogrammed for the rapid energy and nutrient supply in the occurrence ...
They discovered sex-specific and stress-dependent changes in brain metabolism: ELS triggered sex-specific alterations in critical metabolic pathways, processes essential for energy production ...
Conclusion Oxidative stress, especially through purine metabolism pathway, is a major metabolic event during reperfusion and may contribute to the ischaemia reperfusion injury of lung grafts. Data are ...