The initial cost of getting your raised bed set up will depend on how elaborate you make it. You can make raised beds cheaply or for free if you craft raised beds from old planks or used bricks.
Whether you create a stacked-rock spiral or a basic cedar square, a raised bed can be a great way to expand your gardening options. And planning for this project makes a great winter pastime, too.
Raised garden beds are incredibly popular for a variety ... They're easy to maneuver into an area and set up is a breeze. They are less likely to foster pests and are low maintenance.
Raised garden beds at the Douglas Discovery Garden in Danville are maintained by the Vermilion County Master Gardeners and used to grow everything from flowers to vegetables. It seems like there is ...
FALLBROOK – La Paloma teachers, staff, and local UC Master Gardeners came together to set up 16 corrugated metal raised ...